Sunday, August 30, 2009

Adding life...

You cannot add YEARS to your LIFE
You can add LIFE to your YEARS


Life is like a play, it is not the length but the excellence of the acting that matters.
Butterflies have the shortest span of life may be a couple of weeks and a tortoise has max. life span as big as even a hundred years....and yet can it ever dream of covering the same amount of sky that a butterfly does in a few minutes????

Love of God

I wouldn't call it a mere a coincidence that the word for Love of God and Mother's Womb 
in the Hebrew language is the same.  

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, And before you were born I consecrated you; Jer. 1: 5

Emmaus Journey...

May our encounter with Him open our eyes to see His dynamic and yet unseen presence 
in the 'everydayness' of our lives...

Who will cry when you die??

"When you were born you were the only one crying and all around you were laughing...
Live your life in such a way that
when you die you will be the only one laughing and all around you will be crying."


"It is not because things are difficult that we don't try but it is because we don't try that things are difficult"

Growing Old vs Growing Up!!!

GROWING OLD is Mandatory
GROWING UP is Optional

Keep me burning Lord...

This is my simple prayer to Thee, Oh my Lord,
Grant me the grace to keep burning my little lamp even in the most unfavourable situations of my life.