Monday, December 13, 2010

The Seed!!

"Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds." (John 12:24)

Two are the possibilities that are open in the life of a seed. The first is that of a granary and the second is that of a field. The granary assures security but it is not life-generating. Instead the field, even though cannot assure security, it is life-generating.

Applying to our own lives the image of the seed, the possibilities open in the life of every individual can be just these two: one of granary or that of the field. It calls for a concrete life-choice to make between the security of a granary and be unproductive or the uncertainties of the field and be life- generating.

As the year 2010 is taking leave of me and the new year 2011 is just at the threshold, my simple prayer to the Lord is only this; "shake me off from the comfort and the security of the granary and throw me into the uncertainties of the field to be a life-generating seed producing thirty fold, sixty fold and even hundred fold.

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