Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Homage to Don Bosco

A man who completely dedicated his whole life for his boys.

This is a Photo which was taken towards the end of his life. Look at his worn out face and hands,,,,,The doctor who confirmed his death remarked that it was like a candle that burned out itself,,,,,there was nothing more left in him!!!

"There was not a word that he spoke, not a step that he took which was not aimed at the salvation of the young"

His motto was "Give me souls, take away the rest"

To those who asked him to take rest he would reply with his inevitable smile; "Courage, let us work, work, always keep working because up there we shall enjoy the eternal rest."

  • No Congregation in the world ever made its founder known as Don Bosco

  • The Only Congregation in the world that has the most number of its houses under the name of its founder is that of Don Bosco!

  • A Congregation that is not named after its founder is still that of Don Bosco!

  • He is just a country priest who made Game a Spirituality, Music - the door to the Soul.

  • He moved ahead of his times, to make this Movement the third largest in the Church within the span of a century.

പറയുന്നതില്‍ വിഷമം വിചാരിക്കരുത്,,,, ആ ഡോണ്‍ ബോസ്കോയുടെ മകനെന്ന് പറയുന്നതില്‍ ഒരല്പം അഹങ്കാരം എനിക്കുണ്ട്,,,,,,,,,,,തികച്ചും സ്വാഭാവികം.

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